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The Dangers of Keeping Your Dog Out of a Training School

October 9, 2023

Being a pet owner requires a lot of responsibility. Over 63 million households in the U.S. own at least one dog, according to Statista. Not only are you in charge of making sure your pet is healthy and safe, but it’s also your responsibility to make sure your pet can behave properly around others. One way to accomplish this is through dog training schools. There are several risks and dangers to not having your dog properly trained. Let’s look at some of those dangers.

Your Pet Could Harm Themselves

An untrained dog is at risk for harming themselves. Many of the unwanted behaviors that are addressed in dog training schools are behaviors that put the dog at risk of injury or death. This could include running away, eating things they shouldn’t eat, and starting fights with other dogs. Many times dog owners will put off dog training because they think they can sufficiently control their dog. This is a risky choice because you never know when the dog may engage in one of these risky behaviors. It may be too late to help them and your pet could be injured or killed because of their lack of training.

Your Pet Could Harm Others

Another huge risk of keeping your dog out of training is that they might harm others. Animals that are untrained and are showing signs of aggression such as growling, baring teeth, or lunging are at a huge risk for harming others. Dogs that are untrained are very unpredictable. In a worst-case scenario, your dog could cause serious harm to a person or another animal.

If your dog harms someone seriously, it could result in your pet being put down. This is not an uncommon outcome for untrained, aggressive dogs. Fortunately, dog training schools can help. The professionals at dog training schools can help your animal get these compulsions under control so that they are safe and friendly to be around.

Your Pet Could Damage Property

Even if your pet isn’t aggressive, they may still damage your property if they are not properly trained. One of the things that is focused on heavily in dog training schools is impulse control. Trainers will help the dog learn to control impulses by following commands instead.

If you would like to learn more about dog training schools, please contact us today. Our team at The Training Center will be happy to help you with your dog training needs.

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